Honored Servant
by Terry Wildman

We should think about ourselves
the way that Jesus, the Chosen-One,
thought about Himself.
Even though He considered himself
to be who He was, the Creator,
He lowered Himself to become a human being,
like one of us.
He made Himself to be a humble servant of all.
He always followed the Great-Spirit’s guidance
even when it led him to death,
death on a tree-pole, the cross.
Because Jesus did this,
Grandfather honored Him
and gave Him a name greater
than all other names.
All who hear His name;
sky people, earth people,
and those under the ground,
they will all come and bow down low before Him.
They will tell Him that He is Grand-Chief.
This will bring great honor to Grandfather above.

Copyright © 2007 Terry M. Wildman,
Used by permission, all rights reserved.